Tucker and I spent the weekend in Arizona. Boy did we have fun. It was Tucker's first time on an airplane. He loved moving the window shade up and down. While we were sitting in the terminal he looked out the window and kept saying "Oooo, wow, oooo, wow." It was so cute.

Natalie (who is 12) with Ian who is only seven (boy he sure is big)
Natalie with Tucker

Tucker and I were both so excited to come home on Sunday and see Bryant. Tucker just ran around the house carrying his blanket around that he has decided is his favorite.One night before we left on our trip Bryant was putting Tucker to bed and covered him with a different blanket. Tucker was not too happy with the idea and so he kicked off the other blanket and tried to recover himself with the green one. It was cute. We took it with us to Arizona to help him sleep better there and I think it helped. Oh and the best thing about coming home on a Sunday is that Bryant was kissably smooth.

He was so tired by the time we landed that he fell asleep the second the wheels of the plane hit the ground and stayed asleep while we waited for our ride.
We spent the majority of out first day at a an old friends house. Tucker loved their sandbox to no end. I had to keep bringing him inside so he wouldn't over heat in the Arizona heat.
Friday was Justin's (one of my brother) graduation from high school. He tried to pretend it was no big deal but he was certainly proud of himself for his accomplishment and so are we.
Saturday was Natalies big day on stage as Oliver in Oliver Twist. She did an excellent job.
Natalie (who is 12) with Ian who is only seven (boy he sure is big)
Natalie with Tucker
At some point during our trip Tucker discovered that the trampoline is only fun if Natalie is on it with him. For some reason all of the neices and nephews have decided that jumping on the tramploine is only fun if Natalie goes with them. She is the go to girl for all the fun. Most of the time Natalie was out with Tucker he just wanted to run circles around her. but every now and then he would jump on her and attack her.
Tucker and I were both so excited to come home on Sunday and see Bryant. Tucker just ran around the house carrying his blanket around that he has decided is his favorite.One night before we left on our trip Bryant was putting Tucker to bed and covered him with a different blanket. Tucker was not too happy with the idea and so he kicked off the other blanket and tried to recover himself with the green one. It was cute. We took it with us to Arizona to help him sleep better there and I think it helped. Oh and the best thing about coming home on a Sunday is that Bryant was kissably smooth.