The internet is working for the moment at the apartment and so here are some pictures of what we have been doing the last couple of months.
Here is Hunter after bath time. He is so funny. He does not like to stay laying on his back long enough to get dried off and get a diaper on so he usually roams through the house with his towel on his head trailing down his back and behind him as he crawls.

Here is that great smile of his :)

Tucker loves to sit on Bryant whenever he is racing making it harder for Bryant to make great time.

We played in the hampers after I finally caught up on laundry. Hunter loved being in the small hamper. Tucker was jealous and so I trapped him in the tall hamper. He thought it was fun to pass cars back and forth through the handles on the hamper.

This is one of my favorite pictures

Tucker went through a phase where he liked to eat at the table while lying on his back. There was one evening that Bryant made pizza for dinner and Tucker ate it lying down that was hilarious. he would reach up with his hand feel for his plate, grab his pizza, and then eat to his fill or until he was thirsty, reach back up with the pizza, put it on the plate, grab his sippy cup, take a drink, put the cup back on the table, and repeat. Bryant and I were laughing so hard. Unfortunately, by the time I grabbed the camera to take a picture he was in his eating pizza phase and then sat up when he was done.

Hunter has gotten really good and crawling through this tunnel. He looks around for praise after each time he goes through.

I experimented and made this chocolate torte. It turned out looking really good but Bryant and I discovered that we don't much care for cream cheese type bottoms. Needless to say we ate the top two layers but not the bottom layer. I have officially decided that I do not care for the Kroger brand foods available at Smiths. They constantly have an odd flavor compared the leading brands.

Bryant used to corral Hunter into the front room by placing items along the perimeter like pillows, the diaper bag, etc. Well as Hunter got better at crawling he started to climb over the pillows and escape so we no longer try and keep in trapped in the front room and sweep the kitchen floor more often because Hunter puts anything and everything in his mouth!!

Here is Tucker enjoying some snow on our balcony. This was during one of his better days. He had a really bad cough with mucous in his lungs so he was trapped inside most of the time there was snow. He loves to play/walk in the snow.

So whenever we run out of paper towels we go to Costco and buy more which means that Tucker gets to enjoy an evening of bowling,building towers, and hiding in caves. He was even nice enough to share a couple rolls with Hunter.

Here is Hunter showing off his standing skills

Tucker was all dressed including normal socks when he discovered my red socks in the bedroom. He then took off his current socks and put my red sock on his feet all by himself. He was so proud that I didn't dare take them off. Tucker is getting really good at putting socks on and learning the joy of walking around in socks. Just yesterday he ran to his bedroom and put on a pair of socks. Then he came out running down the hall exclaiming "Socks! Socks!" I love how much he is talking and expressing himself.

The weather was warm enough to let the boys play out on the balcony recently. They were still bundled up because our balcony is in the shade and they have been constantly getting over being sick so I didn't want to take any chances. It sure is easier to get dinner made with them playing out there together.

Tucker and Hunter are getting really good and playing with one another. Tucker purposely does things that make Hunter. Tucker likes to get down on all fours and crawl around with Hunter and is constantly asking Hunter if he is coming. It is so fun to see them interacting with one another and getting along so well. There are still plenty of times when Tucker will come racing out of his room screaming "NO TOUCH, NO TOUCH" carrying something that he is playing with. He will then play with it in the front room until Hunter shows up and then he will start racing down the hallway towards a bedroom screaming "NO TOUCH, NO TOUCH."
One of Tucker's favorite things is to enforce the rules on me and Bryant. If we are trying to get him to get his PJs on for bed and I push him towards Bryant he says "No push." The other day Bryant threw a stuffed animal into the front room and Tucker said "No ball." This made us laugh because we are always asking Tucker if the thing he has thrown is a ball or not because he is only allowed to throw balls.
Hunter is getting really good at pulling to a standing and walking along objects. He is one super fast crawler and can end up behind you before you even realize that he is on the move. His learning to crawl has been so wonder because now he can move and follow Tucker around the house and keep himself better occupied. The two boys will actually play together (in the same room occasionally interacting with each other) for 30 minutes to hour which provides great down time for me or Bryant.
Bryant is working hard on school. Not having internet has made it a little harder to do school online so he has been making trips to school each afternoon when I get home from work. I am enjoying my job. They are willing to let me continue working only 30 hours a week after becoming an associate (assuming I passed the bar). I am so excited for this. I always expected that they would want me to work full-time after passing the bar which would mean that I would miss a lot of my boys life and make it harder for Bryant to finish school. I am so grateful for a job that understands the role of a mother in the home and that they are willing to let me play that role and still treat me like any other employee that is working full-time. This job really has been the perfect fit for me. I really hope that I have passed the bar and can become an associate at the firm. I still have another 4 or so weeks to wait for the results :'(
If the Internet is still working later I might be able to get pictures from Tucker's birthday on here. Keep your fingers crossed :)