Spanish Fork has this wonderful "splash pad" just off the freeway that is free and lots of fun! Tucker and Hunter had lots of fun playing in the water. The second time we went even Brylee enjoyed the fun!. The water is really cold, which is fine unless the wind is blowing ;)

Here is Tucker

After running around, the boys needed a break in the sun to warm up!

After they were warm, they decided to climb up on these "walls." It is like ampetheater seating. They had lots of fun climbing to the top wall and walking along the top.

Hunter got stuck in the chair, I'm sure it will happen to Brylee when she gets old enough too.

And the occasional wandering when trying to fall asleep at night when he has had a nap

Brylee is a master crawler and recently learned to get to a sitting position. She would always find a way to sit up when I wasn't looking and the one time I was going to catch it on camera in action she had something in her mouth and got ditracted midway and then after I retreived the item she sat up while I was throwing it in the trash :)

And of course I can't pull out the camera without Hunter needing his picture taken too :)
Hunter sure does love playing with Brylee :)
Here are my three children, everyone is cooperating except Brylee but you get the idea.

Doesn't she has such a great smile!!

Brylee is a true "biker chick"

Here is Hunter
Here is Tucker
After running around, the boys needed a break in the sun to warm up!
After they were warm, they decided to climb up on these "walls." It is like ampetheater seating. They had lots of fun climbing to the top wall and walking along the top.
Tucker is a little surprised when the stones under his bum start to feel warm through his now dry swim suit.
Tucker wanted a "silly" picture
Hunter got stuck in the chair, I'm sure it will happen to Brylee when she gets old enough too.
Hunter still enjoys showing off his climbing skills
Me with my boys!!
Because Hunter refuses to take naps it leads to naps taking place in random locations.
And the occasional wandering when trying to fall asleep at night when he has had a nap
We went to a couple of weddings and parties with dancing this month. Tucker loves to dance and is really good at moving his feet. At the party where we failed to bring our camera Tucker asked a girl a little taller than him to dance. They were so cute!!! They danced together until the girls older brother came along and tried to make them kiss. After that they let go of each other's hands and danced on their own. It was so precious!!
Brylee is a master crawler and recently learned to get to a sitting position. She would always find a way to sit up when I wasn't looking and the one time I was going to catch it on camera in action she had something in her mouth and got ditracted midway and then after I retreived the item she sat up while I was throwing it in the trash :)
And of course I can't pull out the camera without Hunter needing his picture taken too :)
Hunter sure does love playing with Brylee :)
Here are my three children, everyone is cooperating except Brylee but you get the idea.
Doesn't she has such a great smile!!
Brylee is a true "biker chick"
Brylee has occassionally tried crawling on her hands and knees, she is still working on keeping her head up while moving but she is still a cutie!!
We love to play Red Light Green Light. But this Tucker tought it would be lots of fun to walk really crazy. The video doesn't quite capture the hilarity of the moment but we sure did enjoy t none the less.
We love to play Red Light Green Light. But this Tucker tought it would be lots of fun to walk really crazy. The video doesn't quite capture the hilarity of the moment but we sure did enjoy t none the less.