Here is Hunter with his cool soccer medal. Hunter's and Tucker's look the same, Hunter desired to be silly/grumpy for the picture :)
During the school year I traded babysitting with other moms so that we could both help out in our children's classrooms. Here is what one afternoon looked like in our house.
Thanks to an awesome neighbor I got to go with Tucker on his field trip to the zoo! I love being able to hang with my kids in and out of school. It was dinosaur themed, and is until the end of the summer. We had lots of fun finding the various dinosaurs and seeing all the animals. It rained on us for a little while but we missed most of it because we were in the smelly reptile house looking at all the snakes, frogs, spiders, etc.
This was Tucker's favorite bird :)
Thanks to another neighbor I was able to go with Hunter on his school field trip to the Aquarium. We have not been since it has moved and it was fun to go and experience it with him.
Hunter had fun touching the rays. It was fun to watch them try to touch them and then pull back as the animals got close.
They all thought it was fun to see this bird cracking a shell to eat its nut.
Everyone thought it was funny that these two penguins were walking around with their flippers out
Here is Hunter measuring up with the various penguin sizes
Hunter got to touch a hissing cockroach
I (or one of the children) discovered a wasp building a nest on our window sill. Thankfully it was still in the beginning stages and so the nest was small and there was only one wasp. I informed Bryant and we went to work destroying it with hairspray and fire. It made me feel like a teenager watching him with his pyrotechnics.
I took the children to the Payson Temple open house. I am a firm believer that all temples are beautiful on the inside but this one seemed a step above the other we have been in recently (and we had 2 to compare to)
Here is a picture of Hunter standing outside of it while we were waiting for everyone else to finish using the bathroom.
Connor is showing off his skills of walking while holding on to something. All of the children were super excited for him too!
May also means the children's book festival. The children were so excited to see this photo op because we had just read the book with this unimaginary friend in it.
We also got to attend my great Aunt's wedding. It was fun to witness their sealing the Provo Temple and join with everyone in celebrating their special day!
In true Ogden fashion there was a great a DJ and lots of dancing. I was sad that Bryant and I never got to dance together. We just have too many children. I was constantly rotating between the 5 of them and needed a break to sit down every now and again. Plus they didn't play many slow dance songs while we were there and the children were having some bowel troubles that caused us to leave earlier than initially anticipated.
May also means the end of school dance performance for Tucker and Hunter. I showed up almost an hour early to ensure that I got a front row seat right in the middle. Then it decided to down pour! I left our stroller outside "just in case" the rain dispersed before the scheduled performance because I knew I would be slow getting back outside with my three munchkins. Well the rain did disperse and everyone was very fast at getting outside before us but I did get my seats, Connor's chair was quite wet but the sun-shade saved most of the seating area so I was able to strap him in.
Here is Hunter before his performance. He insisted on wearing as much orange as possible to look like an orange gummy bear for his song.
Hunter was not very good at making sure that I could see, it was his first performance so I don't blame him. He is the kid in the orange beanie that comes in and out of the picture and he was dancing to the Gummy Bear song.
Here is Tucker before his performance.
He danced to I'm Happy. Thankfully he was right in front so I got lots of him :)
Connor now know how to climb up on our kid slide. Ironically, he is not very good at getting down without help so he gets "stuck." This is actually quite convenient because he enjoys being up there for half an hour at a time and I am able to work on other tasks or not have to worry about him crawling into the street.
Gunnar needed his picture taken on top of our picnic table because he thought it was amazing that he could climb up there with something in his hands.
We celebrated Hunter's birthday early this year so that he could have a party with friends from school. Ironically, none of his school friends RSVPed or attended the party. He still had plenty of friends from church come and we had lots of fun with water guns, water bombs, and the splash pad.
This was Connor's first exposure and he really enjoyed it!
And in case you had forgotten what I look like, here I am!
Hunter got this rocket for his birthday and wanted everyone to see it. Coming at you!
We also had a crazy hail storm come through. The children were all super excited that it was hail and were surprised that it hurt to get his by the hail stones.