Monday, October 27, 2008

Jumping Fun

So now that it is getting cold outside Tucker has finally figured out how to jump in his little jumper. We don't have any door frames in our house that don't run into the ceiling except for our front door. So Tucker gets to jump for a couple more days, maybe a week longer, before we will have to retier the jumper just because there is no point in heating the outside world just so Tucker can jump. I am thinking of nailing or skrewing to wood planks to either side of the beam that separates our kitchen from our front room but i'm not sure how our landlords would like that. Any way Tucker can enjoy it for a little longer.


  1. He is getting so big!!
    I like your Blog

  2. What a darling blog! Tucker is growing up so fast. I know what you mean about kids not enjoying toys when they're supposed to. Emmy re-discovered her jumper a few weeks ago and spent a wonderful 10 minutes in it. I was able to get something done without her getting into it! :)
