Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

This is a shout out to Bryant

Bryant is so wonderful. He has been asking me what I wanted for Mother's Day for the last month. Unfourtunately, the opportunity to purchase anything came before Mother's Day. He got me some more measuring cups (free thanks to his mother) and a pair of basketball shorts (practically free with a gift card we got for Kohls). So his "Mother's Day" gift to me was getting up with Tucker every time he woke up Saturday night without getting frustrated with Tucker (He had to get up at least 4 times and Tucker woke up a few other times but was able to get himeslf back to sleep). Then he woke up early and made me french toast. YUMMY!! Tucker must have realized it was my day to sleep in because when he woke up he went straight to the kitchen instead of my bed side. It was such a special day. Bryant is such a great husband and father. I really appreciate everything he does for me. I could not have asked for a better husband (thank you Debbie and Rex for teaching him so well)!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for rubbing your great husband in my face! or as I would say in New Zealand "Thanks for rubbing that in my face, mate" Just Kidding. So we should take our babies and go swimming in that cool Veterans pool in June!
