Tucker got a hold of the camera and was taking pictures and he took a picture of his foot too. They are both so silly.
One of Hunter's favorite things to do is lay on the floor and hold onto his toes. Up until this month he had only been grabbing his right foot as shown in the picture below.
He has been working hard on grabbing both feet and finding it difficult
But as you can see he has mastered grabbing both feet this month.
The side effect of holding on to both of your feet is that Hunter often finds himself on his side, fortunately for those involved, being on his side is okay with him as well. :)
Whenever I/Bryant try to take Tucker's picture we have to stand farther back then one would think because once Tucker realizes that you have a camera (even if not pointed at him) he comes over and tries to take it from you.
As you can see this picture turned out because Tucker didn't realize what was going on.
Random Picture of Hunter
After a hard day of playing Hunter happily sleeps while I make dinner (thank goodness because it is almost impossible to make dinner with him in my arms and keep Tucker out of the way).
Bryant noticed that the house was a little quieter than usual and when he got up to investigate he found Tucker sitting in the pantry playing with the blender. He is always so quiet when he is up to something. Earlier this week he grab one of the packages of wet wipes, moved out of Bryant's peripheral vision, and then proceeded to pull wet wipe after wet wipe out until he had a nice pile going. Fortunately Bryant noticed what was going on before all of the wet wipes were pulled out. While some find that a quiet house is a peaceful, enjoyable thing, around here it means that someone is up to no good.
Here is another example of what happens when Tucker is being too quiet. We were all in the same room together even. Bryant was working on the computer on his class and I was holding Hunter. After a few minutes of quiet, it dawns on me that the house is really quiet. I look over and notice that Tucker has colored himself blue with a marker. It is on his face, feet, hands, and legs. Fortunately, it all washed off.
Holy cow- Tucker is probably the cutest little guy ever!!! He is getting so big!