Hunter can actually get up off his belly but he refused to perform once I pulled out the camera
Hunter can sit up so well!!! I didn't know it until I sat him up. He doesn't get as much practice as Tucker did at this age/younger. I moved the couch out of the front room so he spends most of his time on his belly and back instead of on his rump. So I was happy to see that he can sit up so well. In other news he is able to scoot forward. However, as soon as he really tries to go forward to get something he moves backward. Its so precious.
Tucker loves to crawl on anyone as soon as more than their feet are on the ground
Tucker really loves to play inside this toy saucer that we have had since he was a wee one. Every now and again he will see it in the closet and ask to play with it. He is so funny. He only likes to play with it when being on the inside.
Since Hunter is growing so much and we had the toy out I decided to let him try it out. Tucker was really helpful and showed Hunter how to play with all the toys. And if you noticed, that is Bryant sleeping in the background. He is such a great husband. He takes his Sunday naps (when he needs them) in whatever room we are playing so that if I need his help he is right there to assist. I love him so much!!!
Look at those chubby cheeks
Tucker got this really cool track from my mother for Christmas. He loves it!!!
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