Life is good today...yesterday life didn't seem so good. I woke up today with a purpose. I woke up telling myself today was going to be great and it was!!! Hunter slept for about 5 hours straight which is amazing since he can hardly breathe through his nose. One of the people I have been doing work for at work recommended me to someone else so this morning I got a call from a new client and took care of everything for the person as if he was my client (except I didn't sign the documents since because I can't). It felt good to know that someone thought I was doing a good enough job to have them refer someone to me and not the attorney :) Also in another case that I was in charge of I got a settlement offer for our client and the other counsel sent me an email telling me I am doing really good for an attorney to be. While I am totally stressing about learning everything for the Bar exam and everyone has been sick so I have been helping out more than studying this week (and especially yesterday) I just did really well on some practice questions. I should be done studying torts by tonight or tomorrow morning and ready to move onto Contracts by nap time tomorrow!!! I'm really excited. Perhaps I will be able to get a good grip on everything over the next 7 weeks. 7 weeks might seem like a lot to some people but that means I have to study at least 2 topics every week (sometimes 3) and retain all the information I am learning. I better pass the first time cause I don't want to have to study again!!!!!
In Bryant's life...
Bryant has taken up playing World of Warcraft again. I sanctioned it so that he had something to do while I am studying in the evenings so that I don't fell guilty about abandoning him in the evenings to study once the boys are in bed. Plus it gives him the opportunity to play games with his brothers online. He is really enjoying it. He really misses living close to his brothers and being able to see them all time so this provides a great outlet for him to interact with his brothers. Unfortunately school is starting up again, which will detract from this leisure time and he is not looking forward to it. He gained access to his classes this week and has discovered that he has a lot of papers to write in addition to all the quizes, mid terms and finals. Bryant is not a fan of writing papers so this semester is not going to be a lot of fun unless he enjoys the topics he is studying.
In Tucker's life...
Tucker is learning the art of saying please (with his mouth, he has been signing it for ages). He currently says peash when he wants something. It is the cutest thing. So cute in fact that when he remembers to say please without being told it is almost impossible to say "no." He has also taken up our characteristic about acting excited about something in an effort to get us to be excited about it and let/help him do something. For example, when we are trying to convince Tucker to have pears as a snack we say something like. Oh ya! You want so yummy pears. Yea they are so yummy!! Or if we want him to watch a different movie cause we are sick of watching the same one over and over again we say Ya lets watch this one. It is so cool!! Ya!! So Tucker now requests to play MarioKart Wii (a racing game) like this: "Racin?? Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya! Racin? Ya! Ya! Ya! It is way cute. I have slowly been developing an immunity to this new tactic as Tucker requests to race every hour or so. Tucker is also a great helper around the house. He is good at cleaning up his toys when asked (sometimes with a little encouragment but no big deal). He is getting better at being gentle too. He loves having physical contact and as a result will come up to me or Bryant and start patting us on the leg or arm (it can get really annoying really fast) but at least he doesn't sit there smacking us any more. An added bonus of being gentle is that when he tries to give HUnter his pacifier he no longer pushes Hunter's head in odd directions or shoves the entire thing in his mouth.
In Hunter's life...
Hunter has his two bottom teeth. They are both sticking through the gums and coming in nicely. Hopefully the pools of slobber we get will cease for a little while. It is really gross to walk across the carpet and find where Hunter had been by stepping on a cold wet spot. Hunter is constantly on the move too (backwards at least). He is able to get on his hands and knees well enough but he is not able to move his hands once he is up so he usually just rocks back and forth until his knees slip out from underneath him. He also sits really well and enjoys sitting on the ground playing with toys and watching Tucker. I have decided that one aspect of a second child is easier and that is that he has the older child to watch for entertainment. Hunter can also roll over front to back and back to front. He generally prefers being on his belly because he can see so much that way. We just pulled out the johnny jumper and will see if he is ablt to master that soon. He loves to jump with our help and so I anticipate he will injoy the jumper too once he figures it out.
The only thing that could really make life etter is if Bryant, Hunter, and Tucker could all get over their sicknesses. They have all been sick (and taking turns) for a couple of weeks now. It will be nice for everyone to be back to full health and happiness once again.