One of the benefits of getting the house really clean is that there always seems to be more room to move around and run. Tucker had lots of fun dancing to the music from Brylee's toy. He loves to move his body :)
And of Course Hunter was ready for his picture moment.

Another fun thing from mopping is having an entire kitchen floor to sit on. The kids thought it was so fun to sit on the floor and eat their snack. I think they were a lot cleaner as a result!

Brylee takes after Hunter and loves to climb. She can only get into the rocking chair after the cushion has been removed but she loves being in it!

We went to a "new" park where the toys are really part of a school playground. Brylee was quite content to sit in the stroller and play with the water bottle.

The boys had lots of fun climbing in the spider's web!

Here is proof that I actually do the dishes :)

We went to the Women's Expo and there was this enormous chair there asking people to sit on it so we let the boys climb up on it. I love larger than life things that can make anyone look so small!

Brylee was so proud of her ability to climb into the chair and stand on it. Now we have to make sure that it is always leaning up against something because she tries to lean over the back and causes it to fall constantly!

We took a trip to the Provo temple one Sunday. I'm not sure what happened but Hunter got grumpy and decided to lie down in protest.

Of course the boys really enjoyed the fountain and water. It is impossible to keep them away from things that are full of water!

Here is Hunter getting so big

Brylee is getting good and performing for the camera before coming after it :)

I love having a balcony!! It is a great way to let the kids play outside when I need to do something inside. This year we bought a charcoal grill and were able to do lots of cooking outside in an effort to keep the apartment from heating up so much. It is also a nice place to stick the kids when we have the neighborhood over for dinner. I don't know what it is about Navajo Tacos, but our neighbors love to eat them!

Tucker was having lots of fun with Brylee on the bed that I couldn't help capture part of the moment.

Brylee has been really good at putting herself to bed after church. We usually come home and eat lunch and then have some quiet time. Brylee usually rolls over on her tummy when she has finished her bottle and passes out on the floor before the rest of us have had a chance to finish eating. She really has been my easiest sleeper!

She is getting so big and this picture proves that she has at least a little bit of hair now!

After Tucker had been asleep for awhile he started calling out for me. When I got to him in his room I found him sleeping sitting up. I'm not sure why he was calling for me but it must have not been too important since he fell back to sleep before I got there. Surprisingly enough, it took a little bit of coaxing to get him to lay back down on his bed.

In honor of upcoming Halloween, Gardeners' Village had a witch scavenger hunt. After finding all the witches you could get a dollar cookie for only ten cents. We went with our friends the Andersons. All of the kids had lots of fun running around and finding all the witches. They especially enjoyed being handed ten cents to buy their cookies with. It was precious!

All the running and sun caused everyone to fall asleep on the way home!!

We were watching the Anderson children one of the many days this month and Rocko decided that Tucker was his best friend and had to sit right next to him. Tucker originally started on the other side of the couch and moved away after Rocko sat right next to him. But moving didn't solve the problem because once Tucker found a new place to sit, Rocko moved and sat right next to him again. Tucker was being so patient!

With all of the climbing that Brylee has been practicing she has learned to climb up the slide. She successfully climbed up several times before I felt comfortable to back away and record her. Of course the moment that I did she decided to fall!
Fortunately she just misses or barely touches the fire truck and no real damage ensued permitting her to keep climbing. We moved the slide out into the living room after this so that I can be more aware of when she is climbing up and know when she is in need of help.