We had some fairly decent kite flying weather one day and Maelee is always looking to fly a kite. Thankfully it started out with just her because helping lots of kids fly a kite at the same time is just cause for a headache, trust me! After Maelee decided to be finished, Brylee decided to come out and fly a kite. They enjoyed playing together with Maelee chasing the kite that Brylee was flying. Once I pulled out the camera though, Maelee was distracted (I think that is why I don't have lots of pictures of everything anymore, people just get too distracted and I really enjoy being in the moment with them)
My Grandpa King passed away in April. These are his kids, minus my uncle Paul, picture quality is not great but you get the idea. These poor souls lost my father in August, then their mother a week later, and now their father--all within 8 months! I'm glad we were able to attend the funeral in Idaho. I'm super grateful to my friend that moved to Nampa that let us crash at her house and made us dinner and breakfast!
Connor found the ukelele and of course everyone wanted a turn to play. I love that Gunnar found a way for them to both play and that Connor liked it so much he invited Gunnar to come back and sit next to him on the rocking chair to play together more!
We went to the children's book festival where many children opted to have their faces painted. I suggested a smiley face on Connor's arm and he loved it! He loved that he could see it and show it off to everyone.
I was able to attend Tucker's class field trip to the farm where we learned a lot about farm life. I was very impressed with the coordination of the event!
I believe that our dress up clothes only get worn when multiple layers are worn. My children deem any day they dress up in the clothes as 'silly dress-up day.' I think the only time they are wearing only one costume is on Halloween, all other times it is 'let's see how many costumes we can wear at the same time!'
Tucker participated in his first flag ceremony at pack meeting!
It was also pinewood derby time! His car made it to the finals, in spite of one of the wheels constantly falling off. Unfortunately, it didn't hold together very well for the final races so he took fourth. I was impressed with his ability to appreciate how well he had done and not fret too much over his car falling apart before the event was over.
Random picture of Connor sleeping in his bed.
We only had 1 soccer game in the rain this season!! All the other games had sun and even the rain at this game was not continuous. Maelee however, was not happy about being out in the rain and wanted to take off all of her wet clothes!
My mom was here for her birthday (and Women's Conference) so we helped her celebrate
And my children certainly follow the king tradition when it comes to singing happy birthday. My father would be proud!
Random video of our dinner conversations...