Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Spin Move
When Tucker is trying to help Bryant in the kitchen and is in the way Bryant does his "spin move" to get around Tucker. Now Tucker has started doing his own spin move to get around us. Last night he was just having a lot of fun spinning in circles and falling on the ground. It was so cute.
Having Fun
Tucker loves to play on his belly now. I think it is so silly. He used to hate to be on his belly and now he just sprawls out on his belly. It is so funny.

Eating Out

Bryant's parents took us out for dinner while they were here. Tucker got the spahgetti and loved it. He did such a good job feeding himself.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Playing Outside With Dad

Two things Tucker loves the most being outside and playing with Dad. I could not help but record there time together tonight (especially since I now have a really cool camera that I got for graduation--compliments to my family).
I just love Tucker's squeal as he gets so excited!
Tucker's New Slide
Tucker loves going to the park and going down the slide over and over and over again. Unfortunately, the only park nearby is not very close and requires a drive in the car. My mom and sister decided to buy Tucker a late birthday present and got him this slide. He loves it!!!!

He has gotten very good at climbing up the "ladder" and going down the slide. When I pulled out my camera to take a video he thought I was taking his picture so he started posing instead of going down the slide. (What a silly boy).
Here is Tucker showing off his real skills on his slide. What a big boy!
Trying to nap
Tucker was very "MOM" deprived two weeks ago when I was studying like crazy for my finals and ever since then he refuses to go anywhere without me. The other day I was trying to catch a few zzzz on the couch and Tucker decided that he should join me.

I Did It!!!

My brother Isaac says that I look like Alfred Hitchcock and I have think I might agree

Tucker was so patient through the whole convocation. It was really warm in the Provo Tabernacle becuase there is no airconditioning and all the doors to the outside were closed. I was dying and Tucker's cheeks were really red but he was happy the whole time. I am so impressed.
Getting Ready for the Party
Tucker loves helping us do everything we do. Last week Bryant was mowing the lawn so that it would be nice for our BBQ after the graduation ceremony. Tucker thought it looked like fun and of course wanted to help. Bryant is so great. He let Tucker help push the lawn mower on each of the straight aways. Tucker had a lot of fun!!

I don't know why but Tucker loves carrying around the yellow stake. He is so silly.

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Box Fun
Ever since Tucker has gotten really good at walking he has started climbing on and in everything he can. He was so proud of himself for getting inside his toy box and being able to pull out toys.
Looking at Ads
Tucker loves to look at the newspaper ads that come in the mail. He usually wants to read which ever one Bryant or I are reading. He takes it from us, runs across the room, and then sits down and looks at it. It is so cute. The other day Bryant was looking at the ads and Tucker wanted one, as usual, so Bryant stuck him on his lap and gave him. Aren't they the cutest.

Chilling Together
Here is Bryant and Tucker sleeping together on the couch. I think they were just watching TV but it is still pretty cute!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Trip to the Museum
After I finished studying for my Tax final we went to the earth and science museum at BYU. It is a really nice museum. They have lots of short tables with different artifacts (petrified wood, shells, bone replicas I imagine). Tucker had a lot of fun roaming around and touching all the different things that were on the tables.

What a cute smile
Here is a Picture of Tucker and Malisa with a T-Rex head
Here is Bryant getting his bum bit by a prehistoric crocodile
And here we are being chased by a full size T-Rex.
It was a lot of fun!!
Our Delapidated Snowman
Here is a picture of our snowman 24 hours after being built. His head is barely hanging on. I'm sure it will be the first thing to go tomorrow afternoon.
Playdough Fun
Tucker loves to squish things in his hands (bananas, oranges, grapes, jelly sandwiches, etc.) so we played with some playdough (something that is meant to be demolished). It had great fun!! He thought it was so fun when I built a car and started driving it on the table. He actually drove it for a second before ripping off the wheels and demolishing the car.
He had a lot of fun putting the playdough inside the container and then opening it and taking it out again. It was so cute. I tried to capture it on video but then he decided to start hiding it which is really cute too.
Mariokart Wii
Tucker's favorite game lately is Mariokart on the Wii. He used to wake up and head straight for the TV remote. He doesn't care to watch TV that much but now he heads straight for the Wii remotes and tries to convince me to turn on the racing. He is so funny to watch play. He walks all around the house while playing. He actually gets the car to drive (usually in reverse). He has started making noises (like Bryant) when he plays too but he was not making them when he let me take the video.
Tucker racing after Church. So much fun!!
Snowman in April
So it is the middle of April and Bryant and I built a snowman. It snowed 6 inches overnight so I convinced Bryant to build a snowman with me while I took a break from studying for finals. The snow was perfect, the sun was shining, it was perfect snowman building conditions. The snow was melting as we were building. In fact all the snow left on the driveway after making the base of the snowman had melted. The base of the snowman was a good 4 feet when we started.
Bryant had a lot of trouble moving the snowman base over to the tree.
Attempt 1
Attempt 2
This is definitely our biggest snowman yet. It was a good 6 feet by the time were done. We had to have my Uncle help us lift the middle section into place. Thank goodness he was there.

Today he is nearly dead. He has been sloping over since yesterday. His head is barely holding on. He looks pretty funny
Bryant had a lot of trouble moving the snowman base over to the tree.
Attempt 1
Attempt 2
He was soaked by the time he got it in place
This is definitely our biggest snowman yet. It was a good 6 feet by the time were done. We had to have my Uncle help us lift the middle section into place. Thank goodness he was there.
We gave it a mohawk and a great face (If I do say so my self)
Today he is nearly dead. He has been sloping over since yesterday. His head is barely holding on. He looks pretty funny
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tucker is so Funny!!
Last night Tucker put himself to bed. It was so silly. We finished eating dinner and when Tucker got down from the table he headed straight to the bathroom for his shower. It was only 5:45. Tucker does not usually take a shower until 7:15 or 7:30. I convinced to come play with me for a little while. Then around 6:30 headed back towards the bathroom rubbing his belly (telling me he was ready for a shower). I decided that he could go ahead and have his shower a little early. Tucker loves taking showers. He always sits right under the water and fills up his cups and pours them out. He is really cute to watch. Well usually we have to turn the water off and convince him it is time to get out of the shower but last night after about 7 minutes he crawled out of the shower while the water was still running!!! I could not believe it!! Then after getting his PJs on he headed straight for the fridge to get his milk before bed. He was asleep by 7. It was amazing.
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