It worked the best the first day and for the the first hour. After awhile, the boys just started dumping the water off the balcony.
Here is a mini Brylee shoot. She is so good at sitting!
She is also an avid reader :)
Another activity we do to keep cool is go play at Toys R Us. We usually start with the train table and play there for 45 minutes or so (depending on how much time we have) Then we made our way to the cars. Brylee is such a natural driver and then we go ride the trikes. The people at Toys R Us are so friendly. It is how I got signed up for their birthday club. On your child's birthday they send a $3 gift card for the parents and a $3 gift card for the child. I am looking to receiving our first set of gift cards for Brylee's birthday. I'm also excited for Tucker's birthday because he will be able to afford a new train for his track!
We had lots of fun seeing everyone for Jonathan's wedding. Hunter loved the horse at Aunt Diane's house. I was amazed that I actually got a still shot of him.
Not caught on video was Tucker dancing with a girl at Uncle Keith's wedding reception. Tucker asked the little girl to dance all by himself (after a little direction from Bryant). It was so cute. The girl was getting into the dancing and rocking out and Tucker was just swaying back and forth on his feet holding her hands. It all ended as a result of the girl's older brother trying to make them kiss.
Tucker came up with this idea all on his own. He put the Mr. Potato Head tongue in his mouth and it makes for a really silly face
Here are Brylee's beautiful blue eyes.
She is so good at scooting!!
She is my first child to get stuck under the couch head first. Everyone else has ended up scooting backwards and getting stuck!
Hunter "smiling" for a picture
Playtime in the boys room :)
Hunter loved to be upside down in the toy saucer and Brylee utterly despises the things so we put it back in storage
I decided to splurge and buy a couple of extra track pieces from Funfinity for Tucker and Hunter. Tucker really enjoyed being able to make new cool tracks. It looks different every time he or I build one. He really liked this track and asked that we not clean it up at the end of the day so that he could enjoy it more the next day. It was cute.
I really like how he tried to color coordinate all of the cars and trains on the track.
The boys were amazed the day that I let them play on the bike racks at the library. There are usually lots of bikes on the rack and they tend to play with the bikes so the racks are usually forbidden.
Tucker had to show me some "cool" tricks :)
I am trying to convince Brylee to say "ma ma ma ma" in this video because whenever she is grumpy and want me she starts scooting down the hall calling "ma ma ma ma" and stops as soon as she finds me.