He even let Tucker rip some of the paper :)
We found this set of Disney Cars at Target in their clearance section a couple of months back. Because the new movies was coming out they wanted to make room for all the Cars 2 figures. So this set that was originally $30 was marked down to 7.45 and we had a gift card so it was practically free! Tucker was more excited about the cars than Hunter and we considered separating the cars and putting them in their Christmas stockings but I couldn't wait any longer to give them to the boys, so Hunter got them for his Birthday.
Recently our boys have loved to "fish" so when we saw this Fishing Puzzle at the store we knew it would be perfect for Hunter (and Tucker) It is recommended for ages 3 and up and Hunter was only turning 2 but I have never really listened to the age recommendations on the side of toys in the past :)
For the first couple of days Hunter would fish by holding on to the end of the line where the magnet is and pulling the fish out. He has gotten better at it and actually fishes them out now :)
This was Hunter's birthday cake. I got the idea from the cake my Mom made for my sister Emilee when she turned 7 or something.
Happy Birthday Hunter!
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