Friday, September 2, 2011

March Madness

At the beginning of March, I was going slightly crazy with my boys wanting lots of attention when I was very tired, so the idea came to me to make them Sumo wrestlers. I grabbed a couple of Bryant's old button up shirts from when he worked at Western Tool Supply, stuck a couch pillow up the shirt and tied it at the bottom. The boys loved it. We ended up making them Sumo boys a few times after this.

Brylee was not sure what to make of all the commotion :)
So I have been wanting to buy a "kitchen" for the boys for a really long time but I am unwilling to pay a lot of money for one. Well, something came in the mail that was the perfect size and sturdiness for a sink so I spent one evening Bryant was in class making this beautiful kitchen for the boys. It has a sink with a faucet, a stove burner, and an oven! It turned out even better than I had invisioned, which is rather rare for me.
The boys loved it!! They played with it instead of begging for breakfast first think in the morning.

This kitchen held up surprisingly well, even with the boys attempting to take baths in the sink. The only damage it received before being thrown out was the removal of the faucet, which took a couple of weeks and even then it was usually placed back in so they could wash their dishes. Unfortunately, as is the side effect with potty training any child, Hunter had an "accident" that got on the kitchen. The boys were both sad to see it get thrown away and taken away by the garbage truck.

This was one of Tucker's favorite places to play. Funny enough he would crawl from the back, under Brylee, rather than scoot backwards on his tummy to get under. He is such a silly guy.

Hunter did an amazing job learning to use the potty! I have always heard that boys are hard to train and that girls are easier. If that is the case Brylee should be mostly trained in a matter of hours! Hunter loved learning to be trained and he was only 20 months. I thought I would end up waiting longer to train him, holding out for conference weekend when we would not have any obligations for three days but I couldn't hold out. Hunter did great and was taking himself to the potty by the second day. He also only went pantless and without underwear for a short time. He was begging to wear underwear all the time. He did really well. Yes we had accidents (as noted above with the kitchen) Usually, he only had a hard time realizing that he needed to poo so if we caught him when he was starting he would get on the pot, but if we didn't notice, he wouldn't realize he needed to go until he had already gone. One thing we do when potty training is a dance and little song like "Yaaaaa Hunter did it, Yaaaa Hunter did it. Hooray!) Hunter caught on quick and when I would ask him to go potty before we left the house and would look at me throw his hands in the air and say "did it Hooray!" It was precious!

This is the cake I made for St. Patrick's day. I don't usually get into the whole green festivities or pay much attention to the day but I was making a cake and it was fun to make it semi-festive.

Tucker and Hunter love to be up so high and especially to touch the ceiling. You only get to see the picture of Tucker because, well, Hunter was being potty trained and this was taken before his underwear wearing days ;)
Hunter loved running around in underwear. I can't believe how fast he has grown up
Brylee gets stronger and stronger all the time.
She really loved sitting under the toys, staring at them and talking. There was one evening she laid on her back and talked to one of the fish the entire time we were eating dinner!! It was amazing. I love Brylee's face in this video when she seems to realize that it is her foot that is causing the sound and she know how to control it (at least partly)

I love how "modern" Tucker looks. Shouldn't all three year old be walking around with sunglasses and an electronic device of some sort :P
Tucker loves to do whatever Bryant or I am doing. He loves having a backpack and filling it with toys. He often will "go to work" and "do his school paper" I'm not sure who is really trying to be. Me who leaves for work every morning or Bryant who works on school papers in the afternoons. He is such a fun little guy and it is fun to see him learning and understanding more each day

Hunter thought it would be a good idea to sit inside the diaper bag.

Hunter came up with the idea to sit in the rocking chair under its cushion while reading a book so....
Tucker thought it looked like a good idea, climbed over, and
squeezed in next to him :)
I think Brylee looks so cute whenever her head is covered it seems. She looks darling in a beanie and I loves putting her in one anytime we ventured out into the cold. I can't decide if it is because when her head is covered you can't see how bald she is

One of the things that my boys love to do is get each other and everything else wet. In more recent times this has lead to fake water fights in the car so that instead of hearing "Hunter is touching me" you hear "No Hunter stop getting me all wet!" I mean really, it is not real water and you are not really getting wet :) This has also lead to the invention of the invisible umbrella which leads the water spraying child to get upset that the water is bouncing off the umbrella and not getting the anticipated victim covered in water. Oh Goodness!!!
Here is Hunter actually using a watering can versus his figure to get everything all wet

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the cute pictures and funny stories. I think your kitchen looks AMAZING! Way to be creative! You can find a pretty nice kitchen at Walmart for about $45 (not cheap but still better than the $200 ones!). We got it for Emmy when she turned 2 and it's held up quite well. Here's the link.
