Monday, June 16, 2014

May Endings

I started potty training Gunnar again. It took him a day or so to make some progress but at least there was progress this time around. I now realize that the only reason my other children were ever potty trained at such a young age is because I really didn't like changing two sets of diapers. Also, potty training while pregnant is not really all that fun either I have discovered. But there is no going back this time. 
Brylee and Hunter were super excited about Gunnar's success. Everyone always had to see what was in the toilet and after personal verification they would congratulate Gunnar. Brylee stuck with the sing song redition of "Ya, Gunnar did it! Ya, Gunnar did it!" Hunter took on the role of being loud, which shouldn's surprise me and would yell "WOOOOOOOOOO, GUNNAR DID IT!!!!" I certainly had a headache by the end of the day and tried my hardest not to let the other children always know when Gunnar was successful because it hurt my head so much :) Although, Gunnar has picked up on the phrase "see it" requesting to look at the contents of his toilet before it is flushed.

I started training on Monday, and on Saturday was the Children's Book Festival at the library. Gunnar did fairly well taking himself to the bathroom, so long as he didn't have any pants on and I worried that wearing pants would result in pee all over the floor multiple times. Thankfully, he was accident free, likely the result of planned bathroom breaks at my insistence. 

Hunter got a cool sword painted on his arm...

and so Brylee decided that she wanted one too :)

Gunnar thought it was cool that everyone else got to sit in a chair and get painted so I let him get some paint too. He was very proud of his smiley face :)

Tucker went with a spider on a web this time around

They each made some mouse ears too. They really enjoyed watching the mice in the cage on display at the festival as well.

Tucker and Hunter really enjoy sitting on our neighbor's skateboard and riding it down our walkway. Well on a trip up the sidewalk, Tucker placed himself too close to the front and ended up flipping forward hitting his head on the sidewalk. This picture was taken moments after it happened. He was able to stop crying fairly quickly surprisingly. We kept a band-aid on it and had to change it every night because as the bruise went down puss came out the wound. It was rather gross to deal with for a week but he was a trooper and was glad to be rid of the band-aids so people wouldn't keep asking him what had happened to his head.

Tucker had Mother goose olympics at his school. The children did various events that centered around nursery rhymes. Here is a video of Tucker being Jack jumping over the candle sticks.

I took the kids with me to "cheer" Tucker on but they preferred to play on the school playground instead. Gunnar decided that he was big enough to climb up this curved ladder while we were there. I found it a little frightening and didn't dare take a picture until his third climb and then only while we was on the straight part.

We got to have a surprise trip to Arizona for Memorial Day. Being in half day kindergarten, Tucker had no school the Friday before the holiday through the Wednesday after with his final day being Thursday the 29th. Bryant didn't get to join us on this trip because he had work and we were only able to make the trip because my mother offered to fly up to Utah on Thursday, help us drive down Friday, then drive back on Wednesday, and fly home on Thursday. It was a lot of fun to see everyone and have time relaxing with aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins. 

Here are the three oldest with Uncle Justin. I'll admit I'm surprised none of them told him that he had girl hair. Tucker thought it was really cool that Uncle Justin bought minecraft for the X-box so he could play it. 

We got a short visit in with my sister Emilee as well.

Brylee loved being outside on the swing with Aunt Aleisa, not sure why I didn't capture her in this picture as well :P

Everyone loved seeing Grandpa Mike's rabbits, especially Gunnar! They even got to see one of the newborn babies the day that they opened their eyes.

I completely forgot to bring Gunnar a stuffed dog to sleep with at Grandma's house, which is crazy because he loves having a dog to sleep with. Thankfully, Grandma had several dogs so Gunnar was able to have one to be his while we were there. 

We spent the actual holiday with the Whitings. Uncle Jeff and Aunt Katie were so gracious to host the party after only moving back into their house after the flooding the week previously. They provided the wonderful swimming pool and giant slip-n-slide and let everyone run wild in their backyard. My kids had lots of fun. Hunter had so much fun that I think he ended up with heat stroke or something else, because he woke up Tuesday morning throwing up. It took a peppermint candy cane and lots of rest to get him feeling better by the afternoon. He thought it was silly that sugar could make him feel better because I am always teaching him that too much sugar will make him sick :)

Uncle Jared came home from his long weekend at a friends house in time to see us and spend some time with the kids. I have such great siblings to play with my kids and do the things that they want to do! I love my family!

Every morning in Arizona, my kids were waking up at 5:45 or 6. It was a little ridiculous because I would go to bed later than them and not want to get up after only 6 hours of sleep. Well one particular morning, I hear Gunnar stirring at 5 am!! There was no way I was going to let them all get up that early so I snuck as quickly as possible into the bedroom where all the kids were sleeping, took Gunnar out, and told Hunter that he had to go back to sleep. Thankfully, he did and bringing Gunnar into my room, Gunnar fell back to sleep and everyone was able to sleep until at least 7:30. It was beautiful

We visited one final time with the Whitings and everyone got to take a ride in their newly acquired golf cart!

We finished our last day with a swim at a neighbor's house. Thankfully, the home owner had lots of floaties for us to use and my siblings came along. Having not had the chance to swim at all in Utah before coming down, everyone was at least a little apprehensive of getting in the pool until they got some floaties. 

Gunnar of course refused any sort of flotation device and thankfully, always waited until he was holding on to me before getting in the pool.

We also found this little lizard on the deck. We were all amazed to see that it could swim in the pool. Gunnar was fascinated by it. He was startled the first time it moved when he touched it but then decided that he liked it moving so he kept trying to scoot it forward and touch its tail to get it to move. The Lizard thought that playing dead would get Gunnar to leave him alone, but he was wrong... just led to Gunnar picking him up. I had to convince Gunnar to leave the poor lizard alone. Gunnar does not have a gentle grasps and kills rolly pollies and beetles on a daily basis around here with his pinch. 

Everyone was freezing by the time we left and thoroughly enjoyed the warm walk home to my parent's house. 

The car ride home went smoother than the one down, the kids were all exhausted from waking up so early every night that they caught up on their sleep on the ride home.

Hunter thought it was cool that he could climb up so high

When we got home, Bryant surprised the kids with 3D dinosaur puzzles/models. And they didn't have to wait long to get them put together either. Bryant was able to come home after only an hour and a half hours of work on Saturday. Normally, that would be a sad thing, but when they asked for any volunteers to go home early, Bryant gladly volunteered so he could enjoy us :)

Gunnar had lots of fun helping to build his. Again, he doesn't know his own strength and managed to break a leg before the dinosaur was completely built and then a rib and arm, moments after its completion. 

Here is Tucker with his finished dinosaur, I think it was a diplodocus.

Here is Hunter with his. It is the single horned triceritops.

And Brylee with her Brachiasorous. 

Tucker's final day of school was the dance performance by all the different grades. He was super excited. 

I took this video of him and didn't realize just how blurry it was when I zoomed in because I was watching outside the camera not through it, but he is the kid in yellow, and the one that can be heard easiest. I also started filming too early, twice and wasted the remainder on room on my camera and so I didn't get the final 30 seconds of his performance but you get the idea of it and will just have to imagine his freestyle dance at the end.

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