On Saturday we went up to Salt Lake and walked around temple square.
Here we are on top of the conference center
This is Bryant's brother Jeff
Isn't Tucker such a cute boy? I love him so much!!
We had a great time seeing all the family that came out on Sunday. We actually took up 4 whole pews!! I could not believe it. Thank you to everyone that came to support us!!
4 Generations of Boys (or should I say men and boy)
After the blessing we went over to Bryant's Aunt Celeste's house for food and family. Tucker had lots of fun on her trampoline!!!
Hunter and Luke got a little worn out so they took a nap on Celeste's couch. When I came in to check on them they were both waking up. Aren't they so cute?
Cousin Luke who is only 6 days older than Hunter
Here is Tucker with his cousin Rachael who is 1.5 months older than Tucker
This is Rachael. Smiling for the camera (a rare occurrence)
Here are a bunch of pictures of Hunter chilling outside on a blanket. He almost disappears into the blanket and looks like a head and appendages. :)
He is such a sweet baby!!
Tucker loves playing in the dirt. He found some sand and refused to look over at me no matter what I did. I thought it would be such a cute picture if he would just look at me. I still like though.
He was so involved with the dirt that he didn't even care to play with the camera when I came over and stuck it in his face.
You might think he is reaching for the camera in this picture but he is just reaching down for some more sand.
We had Jeff and Katie's family with us Sunday night. We gave them Tucker's bedroom to sleep in and there was no way he was going to sleep in our bed with us cause he moves WAY TOO much!! so he ended up in Hunter's crib. Tucker never really slept in it when he was a baby cause he always preferred a real bed so it was a rare occasion to actually see him sleeping in a crib. The pictures are are dark because there was no way I was going to use a flash and change waking him up. (We let him fall asleep in our bed and then moved him)
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