Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tucker Lining Things Up

This is another post that has been a long time coming. I don't know why but Tucker loves to line things up. He is so funny. Here are a few pictures of some of the things Tucker has lined up. And yes he is always lining his car up before he throws them around.
Here he is at about 9 or 10 months I can't remember

Here he is lining up rocks along the crack of our driveway at our house.

Here he is while we were waiting in line at the pharmacy

Here he is at Wal-Mart while we are passing the time

Here he is at our apartment lining up the bread pans

Such a cute boy

Here he is lining up all the soy milk

And yes he opened up every single one of them before he finished


  1. I lol'ed (for reals) at the pharmacy pictures. And my my you have lots of bread pans!

  2. I love the pictures, especially the ones of Tucker lining everything up!
