Sunday, October 27, 2013

First day of School!!

Here are pictures of Tucker at his first day of school. He didn't know who his teacher was before going to school because his school decided to do testing before placing the children with their teachers. His school has two all day kindergarten classes and two half days. We received a recorded message phone call the evening  before school started telling us that Tucker had tested into all day, which made no sense to me whatsoever. So while I was stressing about how to get him in half-day and not wanting to make his first day of school confusing or more stressful for him I received a second recorded message apologizing for the confusion of the first message and telling me his teacher was Mrs. Kilgore and that he would be in the morning, half day class. Whew! Crisis averted. It is crazy how many parents request that their children be in all day instead of half-day. I'm grateful that he is only their half the day! We watch one of his friends Monday through Thursday after school each week and enjoy having a friend over to play with each day. 

Tucker picked this back pack. It is Lego Chima. He earned the money to pay for half of it and earned it a week before school started! He was super excited about it.

Normally, Tucker takes the bus to school, but I drove him his first day of school. We followed the bus so he could see what would happen when he rode the bus. He was nervous for his first day of school but once he found out he got to play on the playground BEFORE school he was super excited. He even made a friend within a few minutes. Then his teacher came out to meet the students that had arrived "early." Once Tucker met his teacher he relaxed even more and was just excited to be going to school.

This is a picture of him lining up to go inside and start his first day! He is such a wonderful son. 

He happily rode the bus his second day of school with his friend Parker from church :)

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