Saturday, August 9, 2014

July 4th

I thought it would be fun to go out and do the crafts and walk around the city center on July 4th. Bryant wasn't so sure it was such a great idea, but because he loves me agreed to go along with it. We didn't tell the kids what we were up to. Each of them really just wanted to go play at the park. Well as we were heading down the road we noticed that cars were parked almost in our neighborhood for the parade that went by the city center and as we traveled closer we realized that there were no close parking areas and with the sun warming things up it was just going to be hot so we turned around grabbed some picnic lunch food and went to Hobble Creek in Springville for a picnic, some park fun, and ultimately creek fun! It was a much better way to spend the fourth as a family and the kids all had lots of fun!

They had lots of fun throwing rocks in the creek.
I didn't get the best video but Gunnar would exclaim "Big Rock" with almost every rock he picked up.
Even Bryant had fun showing off his manly skills and threw some rocks. 

As we were leaving Bryant caught this grasshopper for the kids to see :)

We finished the 4th off by hanging out with my Grandmother that lives in Provo. We enjoyed the Stadium of Fire Fireworks show from her front yard. As we were packing up and heading to the van, I gave the kids the direction to head over to Dad and get your shoes on, then go get in the van. Well Brylee put her shoes on and then proceeded to follow someone she thought was Dad up the street. Well Bryant had not moved, as he was getting Connor in his carseat and I was packing up the camping chairs. When I showed up at the van, everyone was there except Brylee. After a check through my grandma's house and backyard, Bryant went down the street towards the stadium (because our car was that direction) and I went up the street. I found her crying in a woman's arms that was on the phone with the police reporting a lost child. Brylee was super distraught. She had followed the man up the street at least 15 cars before he got into a car and drove away. Thankfully, the woman that found her was in her house and heard her crying and came to see what was happening. Needless to say, we were all thankful that she was safe and that we had started packing up before the grand finale firework display so that there were not so many people heading to their cars making it impossible to have found her!

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