Monday, January 26, 2015

January, is it over yet?

January sure has seemed like a really long month! The children really enjoyed their time off from school. Last year Tucker wanted to go back to school the day after Christmas and I had to convince him that we were going to do fun things. This year Tucker didn't even want to think about school during his break :)

The children spent many days or most of any given day in their pajamas

Connor got to have his first taste of baby food. We started him on bananas because that is what we had around the house. He has since tasted rice cereal and squash. After those I came back to bananas again and he now can't seem to get enough of them! This video is for those that want to see his first tastes. There is no real obligation to watch it ;)

I wanted to get a picture of tucker missing three teeth but it is amazingly hard to do

Of course Gunnar needed in on the action, not understanding what was going on he held on to his chin too!

And Brylee too of course, except you get to see her tongue

We only ever received snow on Christmas and the day after around here this season. It has been very strange. My children still remember the fantastic snow hill we had in our circle 2 seasons ago. Tucker took it upon himself to start building one this year. He asked me for help and since I like shoveling snow I opted to help him build his own snow hill instead of shovel around the entire circle. Thankfully Bro. Craig our neighbor has also been desiring lots of snow this season and he gladly helped build the hill after coming out with his daughter and their sled. The hill was small but perfect and satisfying for our children. They were able to enjoy it for a couple of days before it got too worn out and eventually destroyed.

Here is Tucker taking a turn down the hill

Here is one of Brylee's attempts

And here is Hunter :)

Connor is almost always sporting a bib these days because he is a slobber monster! He generally has a bib on top of his shirt which is worn over his onsie and he loses his layers as they soak up all his drool so that by the end of the day he is only wearing his onsie which is generally soaked and he is ready for his pajamas at night!

Connor also learned how to sit up this month. He loves having this new position to explore the world around him and has led to much more happy time on the floor and less time in my arms :) Gunnar was very excited about the camera being out and really wanted a video of his Zebra so when your view is blocked by something black and white know that is Gunnar :) I sure do love my children!

Here is Hunter with the blanket that I made him for Christmas, the picture doesn't really do it justice. His was the most frustrating one to sew out of all of them and I also expected him to be the biggest critic. Thankfully, he was super happy with what I made for him!

And in case you were wondering he can still fit in a hampwe

We skyped with Bryant's parents so they could watch all the children open the gifts that they sent. It was fun to be able to share the moment with them (and with some of the kid's cousins since Grandma and Grandpa were babysitting) Gunar was super excited to receive his own bike and when I asked him, "what do you say?" expecting him to say thank you he looked at his bike, pointed, and excited exclaimed "MY BIKE!!!" the following morning his first question to me was "build my bike?" Thankfully, it was super easy to put together. The tires were already inflated and put on the wheels!

Here is a video of Gunnar on HIS bike 

Hunter also received money to put toward the purchase of a "big boy" bike, one with a kickstand. the smallest bike with a kickstand is 20 in which is a little too big for him. Personally, I didn't want him to outgrow another bike so quickly but I also didn't want to to regress because the bike was too big so I let him decide what to do. He opted for the 20 in so he could have a kickstand. He insisted that we go to Toys R Us first believing them to have the bike he wanted and not trusting me that they would be above his price range. He ultimately got one from Wal-Mart, which came already assembled! It took him a few times of falling to learn how to catch himself, since he can't touch the ground while on the bike and it took some practice to learn how to get it started on his own but he figured it all out in only 2 days!

Here is a video of an afternoon in the sun with Brylee and Hunter riding their bikes. The camera is wobbly because I am holding Connor and trying to do things with this new camera. I like how I can zoom while recording with this camera, that is a feature I didn't have with my last one :)

Here is Gunnar hanging out in Connor's exersaucer

Not the best lighting for a picture but you can kind of see how Connor is almost as big as Brylee!

Connor began scooting backward this month which has led to some interesting problems for him :)

This is a picture taken by Brylee (along with about 50 more of random things around the house) while I was pretending I wasn't a mom for about a half hour. It's good to know it only took 6 shots to capture this beautiful face :)

Connor got his first tooth last week! It sure did make him happy and helped him sleep better for two nights to have it through. He is now working on his second bottom tooth. Hopefully, we will get another couple days of reprieve before his top teeth start cutting their way through.

Brylee got to have her 4th birthday party with friends yesterday, I'm throwing a bridal shower for my neighbor this coming Saturday, the following weekend is Tucker's birthday and then we get to go on vacation a week later. All this mingled with volunteering in Tucker's class and Hunter's class once each every week, watching someone else's child twice a week, worrying (and likely over stressing) about the measles 'outbreak' that happened just up the road this month, and everything else that just comes with normal life has kept this month feeling super full and there is still 1 week left! I eagerly look forward to being done with the bridal shower and am grateful that Tucker is not having a friend birthday party this year!

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