Sunday, January 25, 2015

New Years Eve

This is the first year that my children have had any desire to stay up for the new year. I consider myself lucky to have made it 6 years with children and not had them want to stay awake so I gave in this year, mostly. I did not want to deal with RIDICULOUSLY over tired children and I remember my mother setting the clocks ahead for the "little" kids so I gave in slightly. I successfully set the clocks forward two hours throughout the day without being noticed. changing our large kitchen clock was always the trickiest!

We have some friends with children that asked if we had any new years plans so they came over to enjoy the East Coast new year with us.

I also purchased a new camera from best buy because not having a real camera (and only pictures from Bryant's or my phone) was very frustrating, plus Best Buy had them on sale. Now I have an even better camera than the one I lost (it was 5+ years old) for under $100. I now have 10x zoom instead of 4x and I have HD video capabilities :P

Here are some pictures of the evening

Malisa with Connor, he even smiled for the camera.

Around "11" (really 9pm) Tucker went and got his blanket and pillow and started relaxing on the couch, he passed out by 9:30 and eventually took himself to his room to sleep.

Here are our friends. I enjoy this family because our children generally get along and we as a adults can just sit and chat or relax or play games and have fun doing it.

After ringing in the new year it was melt down central as tired children were told to get ready for bed without getting any additional sugar. I realized how grateful I am that Tucker was able to recognize that his body was tired and put himself to bed rather than try to stay up all night long. I was also glad to have all the children in bed by 10:30 pm! Bryant and I soon followed, although I think we were still awake talking in bed at midnight and were able to bring in the new year. I think this is probably the first time we have stayed up for the new year since being married. It is funny how things change when you get married and then have kids. Without kids, I'd probably be some old lazy person who rarely did anything fun or exciting, or maybe not, who knows.

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