Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cactus Anyone?

So a couple of days after Christmas, I was feeding Gunnar in my parent's living room and asked my mom to check on Tucker and Hunter who were playing outside in the front yard. When she checked on them they were hiding the neighbor's rocks. She asked them to put the rocks back in the neighbor's yard. When I finished feeding Gunnar I decided to make sure that they had returned all the rocks. I found them collecting pieces of the neighbors prickly pear cactus! "Don't worry Mom. It isn't pokey, It brushes right off" says Tucker as he puts a piece down and then brushes his hands on his pants. Right, no  big deal, NOT! Hunter was crawling through the cactus looking for the broken pieces. 

Well I brought them in, and my father and I tried to pull the long hairs out of their hands before deciding to send my father to the store to come home with some white glue. They thought it was lots of fun to be covered in the glue. Who wouldn't, right? Unfortunately, and surprisingly, it hurt a lot to pull the glue off of the arms and legs. They did not even want to consider a second coat of glue to ensure that we got all of the cactus off their bodies. Thankfully, the cactus was in its "soft" stage, everything came out, and they did not ever touch their faces or eyes with their cactus hands!

 And thank goodness for my mother taking care of Gunnar!

1 comment:

  1. What a nightmare! Glad they're okay. Looks like such a fun family reunion!
