Thursday, February 7, 2013


We love being in Arizona for Christmas. It is so warm. We missed a bunch of snow falling and below zero temperatures! Plus we get to see all of our family and some friends :)

Sunday before Christmas, we had our traditional Christmas Eve dinner with the Whiting. I pulled the camera out while we were getting ready, but totally spaced it later so you don't get to see everyone that came

Here is Gunnar with his Aunt
 Here is Brylee
 Here is Bryant chopping up the plantanos for fried bananas
 Here is Tucker building with Tinkertoys with his Cousin Weston. These two had lots of fun together. Thank goodness Weston is still young enough that he did not need to be involved in all the grown-up games
 Hunter loved being outside as much as possible. I had to keep an eye on him to make sure he didn't knock all the fruit off the trees and only played with the ones on the ground.

 On actual Christmas Eve we got to see my Brother Isaac, his wife Juli, and their son Clark. This meant lots of fun at the retention basin by Grandma Wendy's house playing frisbee. Tucker tried really hard to explain this park to us not remembering what it was called but also not calling it a park because it doesn't have a playground. He used his hands to draw in the air a big rectangle, and then used them to show the trees coming out of the ground, he demonstrated that the park had hills on both sides, and then tried to describe the little bit of dirt that is along one end of the basin that you can dig in but not really dig it. It was super cute!

 Uncle Isaac still knows how to climb a tree :P
Christmas Stockings! I still don't know how I feel about them. They get me to spend too much money and they don't focus on Christ. When my kids are asked "What did Santa bring you?" I want them to be able to respond that Santa isn't real, but that we celebrate Christmas to remember Christ, or something like that. We'll see how I feel about it come next year.
Brylee loved to rip of a single small piece of paper and hand it off while opening presents. It sure took forever:)

 Here is baby Maelee, Aunt Emilee's little girl, the youngest in the family and sitting on her Aunt Natalie's lalp

 More Brylee

 More Hunter

 And Tucker
Here is most of the gang :)

Apparently I didn't get any pictures at the Whitings, I'm not sure where the camera was but I was feeding Gunnar

Here we are at Great Grandma Cooley's. We had a wonderful lunch, and enjoyed sitting with Great Grandpa. Then everyone went to open presents. I was amazed (and received several comments) with how patient my children were waiting for their Christmas present. They sat on the fireplace and watched everyone get one and didn't complain about it taking a long time or whine when the gift pulled from under the tree wasn't for them. I didn't get a very good picture because I was trying to inconspicuous. 

I only have a picture of Hunter with his gift : P

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