Monday, January 20, 2014


It has been a really cold winter this year! It only snowed a handful of times in December and was just bitterly cold the rest of the time. We remained under average low temperatures for almost two weeks. It was rough! On New Year's Eve we let the kids play with sparklers. Thankfully no one burnt themselves this time! Hunter said he wanted to watch everyone else's fireworks too and I told him they would not be doing fireworks until midnight (it was 7:00 pm) and that he would be asleep. He said he wanted me to wake him up for it and I told him that I would be asleep :) Funny enough some people set off some fireworks at 7:30 after the kids were in bed but I did not go and get them.

The following day I was not feeling great but Bryant thought it would be a good idea to go sledding. This is something I have been wanting to take the kids to go do ever since the first snow fall on my birthday but it has just been too cold to take them all out. Well when Bryant volunteers to do an activity, I jump on board no matter what! We borrowed a sled from a member in the ward. She often boasts about how large it is and how her husband sits on it with four children. I wasn't sure I should believe her but it is an amazing sled made by her husband and we didn't have to worry about breaking it :)

Here are three kids getting a ride from the parking lot to the hill. They had to get off once we got to the hill because Bryant's shoes had no traction and he was barely able to pull the empty sled.

And Bryant was able to fit on the sled with all four children!! Bryant went up and down the hill several times with the children while I mostly took pictures and waited at the top!

Gunnar died after one run...not really but he enjoyed the ride laying down because he kept falling over when he would try to stay sitting up.

Each of the children got to ride alone with their father. Bryant teased them by letting the sled get super close to the lake. It was amazing how far the sled would take them after the hill was gone!

After sledding we played for a little bit at the park. Everyone had lots of fun!

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