Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ugh...but feeling blessed

Well here is a first for me...a post with no pictures. If you don't think you can handle it I will completely understand :)

After having a wonderful New Year's Day together, I warned Bryant I might not get out of bed the following day. I spent most of the next day in bed but by the afternoon, Bryant was starting to feel sick too and needed a nap. It was nap time anyway so Gunnar was out and the others were ready for a movie or Wii time so I got to lay on the couch more or less. I posted on our ward's facebook page that we were feeling sick and asked if anyone would bring us some dinner. We had a great response and dinner brought to us that evening. By the end of the evening we decided that Tucker should be taken to the doctor's office too. Bryant was well enough to take him and we found out that he had strep throat. As a result, I called the doctor's office Friday morning to schedule an appointment for the rest of the children to be tested for strep throat. Brylee's was positive in the doctor's office and Hunter and Gunnar came back negative but would be sent to the hospital to be "cultured." I then dropped the kids off at home with Bryant, who was having a hard time pulling himself out of bed, and I went to my doctor's appointment. I picked up my and Brylee's medicine and came home to pass out. Bryant left a couple of hours later to see a doctor as well. Someone checked in on us to see if we were feeling better and offered to bring us dinner Friday night. I was especially grateful! She even brought paper bowls and plates for us to eat out of because we had been unable to stand long enough to do any dishes and were completely out of everything!

Saturday was spent with all of us sitting in front of the t.v. most of the day watching movies or someone play the Wii. Tucker was feeling better because he had been taking the amoxicilan for over 24 hours and Brylee was just tired. Hunter felt miserable and just wanted to sleep most of the time and by the evening even Gunnar was starting to feel sick. Again a loving neighbor brought us dinner. I was so glad I didn't have to cook and because it was pizza it didn't dirty any dishes :) I had finally felt well enough to do a load of dishes on Saturday afternoon but it took awhile because I could only stand for so long before feeling tired. Saturday evening I received a call from the children's doctor's office confirming that Hunter did have strep throat after all and a prescription would be called into the pharmacy after an hour. I was so tired and I knew Bryant felt worse than I did so I again asked the members of my ward if any of them would be passing by the pharmacy in two hours. Someone willingly volunteered to go and get the prescription when it was ready! I was so amazed and grateful! The only hard task was then staying awake while waiting for the prescription to arrive.

We had plans to give a family a ride to church on Sunday but knew there was no way we would make it so we gave them the keys to our car and sent them without us. That family offered to make us dinner that night too! Bryant and I were finally feeling better by Sunday, still enjoying our afternoon naps. Bryant was able to return to work on Monday after calling in sick on Friday and Saturday and I was ready to care for the rest of the sick family.

I am so grateful to all the wonderful people in our ward and neighbors that brought us food and took care of us when we felt so awful. I am also glad that Gunnar didn't get sick until Saturday evening when I had the energy to help him feel loved. He never had a positive strep. Apparently, it is a rare for a child under two to get strep throat.

The final drama of this wonderful sickness came on Thursday as Brylee began to turn into a red person. It started with spots around her mouth that I thought resulted from not washing her face after eating but they didn't go away all afternoon and by the end of dinner the spots had spread to the rest of her face. By that evening her body was getting splotchy too. I took her to the doctors in the morning because I just didn't have the energy to go that evening. Turns out she was having a reaction to her amoxicilan. Nothing serious and does not guarantee that she is allergic to it. So we stopped the amoxicilan and gave her something else for the final days of her dosing needs.

Now we are all healthy and going strong :)

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