It felt good stretch our legs :)
Hunter decided to be clingy right before this vacation so he usually cried when left with anyone but Bryant or me.
For the 4 hour drive from my Aunt Pam's to the reunion the minivan held Isaac and Juli instead of Emilee and Aleisa (and I think that Ian went with my mom but I can't remember). Juli was not too excited about being stuck eithout leg room for the long journey either, especially since she is taller than most of us :( AlsoTucker was done driving by the time we made it to Taco Time only 45 minutes away.
We did survive and made it to camp Brinkley! Hooray!!
When we first arrived at the family reunion there was a lot of cleaning to be done in our cabin to get out the dirt. Here is Isaac, Juli, and Bryant whacking the dirt out of our main room carpet/rug. They originally wanted to bang it out inside the cabin figuring it wouldn't be too bad to sweep up the mess :) I'm glad they went outside to take care of it!
At the reunion there was a lake. Tucker did not want to get in the boat at first but was happy to be in it once we were out on the lake and wanted to stay out there forever! Hunter loved the moving water and it was all I could do to keep in him the boat and not topple of the side trying to get closer to the water :)

Here is my brother Isaac pushing Hunter down to the lake. The only time Hunter was not crying when with someone else was when he was being b\pushed in the stroller. This worked to our advantage one day because Juli was able to take him for a walk until he fell asleep while Bryant, Tucker and I took a nap in the cabin.

Here is me, Tucker, and Bryant making our way to the lake!
Bryant paddle from the back and was quite the "task master" :) poor Juli tried hard to follow every command but I think it was more funny than anything.

Here are the boys sitting on the dock watching everyone else jump in. They thought they wanted in until we actually let them get in with Isaac :)

Isaac and Juli at the one and only breakfast they ever made it too :)

Hunter and Tucker eating one of the many delicious meals that my dad made :)

Tucker playing in our cabin
Every reunion there is a "fish pond" for all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren that are 8 and younger.
Hunter Fishing
Hunter caught a fish!!
Tucker Fishing :)
Tucker caught a fish!
The boys were good about sharing their toys with each other. Tucker got the fire truck and a bubble gun. Hunter got the ball spinner and a minivan :) All of these toys are still loved and played with on a daily basis :)
We had a fire place in our cabin and so we built a fire a couple of the nights we were there. Isaac and Juli went to the log pile and chopped up the wood for our fires.
Here is Juli with the wagon
Isaac showing off his Lumber Jack skills. He would make NAU proud :P

Even Ian had a turn at it :)
Bryant took on the task of building our fires.
He can make a mean tepee :)
Hunter really liked to wet the wood with his mouth before Bryant put it in the fireplace...
Then Hunter did not want to stay away while Bryant tried to light it. Camp Brinkley had tons of rain right before our reunion started. The wood in the shed was supposed to be dry. As it turned out it was a bit damp and full of sap so it made an interesting fire to light. Once lit it shot off little embers like fireworks. It was fun to watch and listen too but we had to make sure nothing got on Isaac and Juli's air mattress :)

A success!
Tucker and Hunter had lots of fun playing outside. Hunter was not walking at this point, so he rarely wore shoes, so his pants and socks were always filthy bu the end of the day (or even just half way through the day :P)
It was a lot of fun. Hunter was either really sad to be leaving or not looking forward to our 16 hour car ride home in a cramped van cause he cried at the top of his lungs once he was in his car seat until we started driving off :'(
What fun memories! Oh, and I cracked up reading your adventures trying to blockade the screen door from your persistent toddlers. I can't manage to keep Ashilene out of anything these days either!;)