Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pictures from March

Okay so there are a lot of people bugging me for pictures. Since we are currently sharing a neighbors internet and I have the ability to be on the computer here are things from the end of March

Tucker was napping until Hunter came along...

Hunter tried so hard to get up on the bed. It was fun watching him try to use his crawling skills everywhere.

Hunter was so proud of the fact that he was able to crawl up the slide. He actually uses every step. From the beginning of having this slide, Tucker always tried to skip steps. Hunter go really good at climbing up the slide so we moved it into our front room where we could keep a better eye on him and know when he had actually made it up the slide so we could ensure a safe trip down the slide :)

Tucker did not like posing for pictures so it took the coaxing of Bryant and his bear to hold still.
Tucker loved this toy saucer when he was little and still loves, unfortunately he had a little trouble getting in and me being the great mom that I am made him stay there until after I took a picture.

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