Tucker enjoyed climbing on the frog
Tucker also loved looking in all the difference aquariums. He really enjoyed the penguins and shark tank. Hunter just lovd running around more than looking at all the different fish :)
Here are some pictures taken by Tucker:
Picture of me :P
Take one of Hunter
Take two. Tucker has a hard time holding the camera still while pushing the button on top. He usually lines the picture up right and then moves the camera in order to push the button :>
Hunter and Bryant chilling on the couch.
Hunter eating cheerios with a fork. He rarely uses a fork or spoon to eat his food, but for one reason or another he loves to eat his cheerios with a fork. He can be so strange sometimes :P
Tucker was coming to get the camera from me :)
Bryant had the opportunity to spend some time with one of the members he brought to baptism. She came all the way from the Canary Islands with her son and daughter for a visit. They went to Arizona and enjoyed the grand canyon before coming up to Utah and spending time with Bryant one of his companions Daniel Perkinson. Bryant was a little shy with his Spanish but I think he managed well having not practiced since being back from his mission six years ago :) I tried to offer them a drink when they arrived with my limited Spanish. I had no way of interrupting the conversation other than to just ask "Quieren vasito con agua, jugo, o leche?" Kavbi smiled and was very impressed with my attempts. She understood what I was asking and was grateful for the water. Bryant's comment to me was that I would make a great mission president's wife :) Other than that I just played with Hunter on the floor and listened, trying to decipher what was being talked about. :)
Bryant also went with the group of them and his old companion to temple square. Everyone was impressed by his ability to push two strollers at the same time. (Even I am impressed by this because it is no easy task).
Here is Tucker during one of his naps. He is such a sweet sleeper (as long as you are not trying to sleep next to him :P). Often times he will be lying on his bed holding either his bear or dog under one of his arms. I love him so much!
Well it finally happened. We make $100 too much to qualify to food stamps. So we went out and tried to spend all the money on our food stamps card before the end of the month in case it disappeared if we didn't use. These are pictures from our first attempt. We went shopping again the next and tried to use up the rest and ended up with at least as many bags.
So while we no longer have food stamps, the majority of the groceries we buy are milk, cheese, and meat products. Everything else we could possibly want is tucked away in one of the bedroom closets. I'm sad that we no longer have the luxury to buy whatever we want when we want but it was sure a blessing when we had them. We still have WIC and so we get our milk and bread and limited fruits and vegetables for free :) It will be interesting to see how much we really do spend on food now. It may sound odd but in a way I'm grateful to be out of food stamps so that I can actually know how much money we need to live off of better enabling us to plan for our future capabilities :)
So true! Since going back to school we have been able to qualify for food stamps, which is way more than I ever spent on food for our family when he was working. Loved all the pictures and updates!