Bryant and I took advantage of National Park week and went to the Grand Canyon with Bryant's family. Once we decided to drive down from Utah everyone else in Bryant's family decided to drive up to Flagstaff for the fun. Bryant really is the coolest member of his family because no one was going to go with his brother until he decided to come down :) The weather was great and we had a lot of fun. Tucker hiked the whole way down (as far as we dared to go) by himself and then at least half way back up. I was very impressed. Apparently I kept scaring Bryant because I seemed to be walking on the edge of the trail the entire time and he kept thinking that I was going to slip right off the edge and perhaps pull Tucker with me. Nothing of the sort happened. We had a very safe and enjoyable trip. We even got to visit with my sister and her family while we were there. Thanks Jeff and Katie for thinking of us even though we live so far away. It was a great weekend.
Here is me (Malisa) finished with my lunch and ready to get hiking
Tucker had lots of fun running around in the open spaces and picking up all the sticks and rocks.
Hunter with his intense blue eye stare
He was quite the happy boy on this trip!
This is Tucker's cousin Baileigh trying to move the biggest "stick"
Bryant and Hunter are ready for the hike
Here we are waiting for the bus to take us to the trail head. Little did we know that the distance we walked to the bus was almost the same distance to the trail head :) Silly us. Tucker had fun grabbing all the little rocks.
Tucker still does not like posing for pictures...
Here are Tucker's cousins Sarah and Baileigh
Here we are at the top of the trail head ready to make our way down...
Tucker was quite the trooper, he scalled down the side of the cliff while we took the trail :)
Hunter was happy to sleep the entire time on Bryant's back
Luke (7 days older than Hunter) likewise slept the entire time on the hike.
Here is Tucker with his counsins (Baileigh, Sarah, and Rachel) at our turn around point. I didn't dare go further because I did not want to have to carry Tucker back up the trail.
Tucker loved seeing the squirls on our way back up the trial. That is until one squirel actually decided to move towards him. He had been feeling tried and wanted me to carry him, but he quickly ran up the trail when the squirel started his way and from that point on did not think that the squirels were quite so fun up close.
Here comes Bryant's nephew Kyle
Bryant's brother Jeremy with Emily and and his other son Sean
We rewarded ourselves with ice cream afterwards. Thankfully Tucker did not have any major reactions to the milk in the ice cream

Bryant was amazed at how light he felt when he finally got Hunter off his back.
On our way back to the car we saw a lot of Elk. This one was just relaxing in the shade and did not seem too bothered by the noise our group was making.
You have a great family bonding in your trip to the Grand Canyon. I will also bring my wife and two sons for us to bond and relax.
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