Here is Tucker showing off his staff with two pizza cutters
Hunter playing peek-a-boo
Hunter loves to eat bananas
Hunter and Tucker playing
Tucker loves to put things on his head
Tucker got out of bed and put himself to sleep on the futon in the toy room :)
Tucker still enjoys lining things up in a row!
Hunter before his haircut
Hunter after his hair cut
This is Tucker being the light for red light green light. He usually gets red light stop and green light go right but he was on a kick where red meant go and green meant stop. He would always tell us to go when we were stopped at red lights and insist that we stop whenever the light was green
Hunter loves to climb into the wagon. He just has to be careful not to tip it over when he climbs in :)
Hunter was not allowed outside with the garden unattended and so Tucker was good at playing with him through the glass door to keep him happy.
Hunter was playing boo with Tucker and having a blast :)
Both boys wanted to play in the saucer...
Tucker was not so happy with the idea.
Hunter stopping for a quick picture
Tucker chose to nap in the rocking chair in his room rather than his bed. Personally I think the futon in the toy room looked a lot comfier ;)
Hunter is showing off his climbing skills.
The boys love to play ring-around-the-rosies. Fortunately, they are happy to run in circles and Tucker is getting very good at singing the songs.
The boys love to help sweep. Thank goodness we have two brooms :)
This is a dinosaur at the mall for kids to climb and play on. Tucker always ask if we can go play at the mall. As long as it is not over crowded with kids, it is a lot of fun and is inside so it is wonderful to go to to get the wiggles out of the boys.
Bryant helped the boys make sugar cookies. They loved helping but surprisingly didn't care much for the eating of the cookies.
Hunter loves "cooking" and will sit for minutes (which seems like hours in child time) playing with the food and pots and pans.
Tucker loves racing cars around on this mat. The funny thing is that he insists that the cars go a certain direction and follow a certain path :0 and he insists the same direction and path every time!
Hunter loves to turn the foot rest upside down and climb inside.
Loved the videos!