Tucker, Hunter, and I ran around the house pretending to be cowboys. The boys worn the hats, Tucker was nice enough to share my hat with me sometime, and together we raced back and forth through the apartment galloping to the sounds of our own hoof prints. Hunter thought Tucker and I were crazy but he loves hats so much that he wore his the rest of the evening :)
i tried to set up the crib we got from a couple that moved out of ward during the summer only to discover that the crib has no screws. I don't know if the couple gave me the screws or forgot to give them to me. Either way I have no idea where the screws are. So I initially thought Brylee would get to enjoy a sturdy full size crib (the first of our children) but alas she gets the old school rickety port-a-crib that we got from my grandma when I was pregnant with Tucker that was probably the same crib my father slept in over 60 years ago. After I got the port-a-crib set up, Hunter loved "sleeping" in it with the first pink blanket we got for Brylee. Hunter is likely to despise the existence of this picture when he gets older but he is such a darn cute boy :)
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