Hunter loves to sit with things on his lap. He is constantly taking the hand towel off the oven door, sitting on the kitchen floor, and draping the towel across his legs. He will also pile pillows on his lap.
Hunter rarely fits pants that are his size and as a result has a hard time keeping his pants up :)
Fortunately it does not seem to bother him.
Happy Hunter
Tucker loves to look out our bedroom window at the various cars and watch the garbage truck that comes and gets the trash right outside our window at least once a week. I rather do not enjoy when the garbage man (and yes it is a man) comes at 6am. It guarantees that the boys are awake and not going back to sleep...
Hunter crawled under the couch for something but then ended up getting stuck.
I am so grateful that Tucker has a love for reading.
Here is Hunter rolling out the remainder pie crust dough
I just love it when Tucker smiles for the camera :)
You rearranged your furniture. I was disoriented at first!