Tucker was very proud of himself for getting his shorts on his own head.
Here Tucker is brushing his teeth wearing one of my snow boots and one of my red heels. I don't know why but both shoes are currently my boys favorites.
Hunter was not feeling well and as a result was very docile. This is a rare occurrence in Hunter's life.
This is Tucker's "happy face." Anytime I ask to see a smile or a happy face he puts on the saddest look in the world. He is such a silly guy.
Here is Hunter playing with our neighbor Ivory. Hunter enjoys playing with her just so long as she does not want the same toy he has, which when you are under 2 is whatever toy the other person is playing with.
Ivory has the same problems keeping her pants up as Hunter. No wonder they get along so well :)
Hunter loves to help. He sat on the table the entire time Bryant was getting the stew ready. He put everything in the colander and then pulled it all out and put it on the cutting board over and over and over and...
Here Hunter is showing off his climbing skills again and showing off the fact that he was able to reach the light switch and turn on the hallway light. He is such a resourceful kid. If there is something he wants, he usually figures out a way to get it without any encouragement.
Hunter is such a sweet little boy.
Hunter's climbing poses make me worried for him!