Hunter got bubbles from our day at the Utah Lake Festival and he was sharing so sweetly with Brylee. He would dip the wand and blow and then he would dip the wand and hold it so Brylee could have a turn to blow some bubbles. It was really precious. I love when Hunter is so mindful of his sister and willingly shares of his own accord. They have lots of fun together!
We went to Orem's summer fest this year. The boys thought the old fire engine was really cool They also liked looking at all the cars on display. Tucker kept saying "OOOO look at this one's engine!" I love his enthusiasm, especially since Bryant and I don't really know anything about cars :P
While we were there we got to watch a helicopter land. It was really impressive. I knew there was quite the spray of wind from them but I still had no idea just how much wind there was. It was cool to be so close and experience the whole thing. The children all thought it was cool too. Tucker moved back away as the helicopter landed and Hunter was a little upset that sand got thrown at his eyes (the helicopter was landing in the outfield of the baseball field), Bryant's hat was blown off, and Brylee just stood there and took it all in. I took a video of the helicopter landing but it won't load on blogger for some reason. It is cool though because the blades are spinning so fast in reality and the camera could only pick them up at a certain rate so it looks like the blades are turning really slow right until they actually start spinning slowly and then they turn into more of a blur in the video.
Brylee loves to chill with anyone that is laying down. She always requests her own pillow and occasionally her own blanket.
She has so much hair!!! It is a lot of fun to do up and she looks fabulous after she sleeps for any period of time :)
I had no idea this video existed until I was putting things on the blog. Apparently this is what happens when Mom is away from the house for a period of time. No wonder I can't get Brylee to keep balloons out of her mouth!
June was the month that we got to move!! My family visited one weekend on their way to Idaho, we moved on Wednesday evening, and then my family was back again that weekend on their way back to Arizona. We had so much help with the move. The members of the ward even brought their friends! They all caravaned over to the new place to unload the moving truck and then went back to the apartment for the second load and came to unload again! It was amazing. While the truck was being unloaded the first time, our wonderful new neighbor came over to see if he could help, just in time too. Bryant had not dismantled the bunkbeds in hopes that we could fit them where we wanted them without having to unscrew the pieces. Well they almost fit into the bedroom but not quite. The neighbor went home and brought back his drill with attachments, dismantled the bunkbeds and put them back together in the right bedroom with the help of one of our ward members. Everyone else went back for the second load. While they were gone the two brethern moved all the boxes out of the living room and into the proper rooms for me. It was amazing! There was so much room in the living room when the gang came back to unload the second time that they were surprised they had places to put things. I was then in a position to tell the people which rooms to put things as they came through the door so the living room didn't end up in a complete mess again. Below is a brief walk through of the new place. The bedrooms are really tiny but the living spaces are large and spacious!
Here is the view from the front door of our living room
And here is the view from the kitchen. We have two great storage closets. It is nice to have a coat closet finally!

to the left of the book shelf in the first picture is the entrance to the kitchen/dinning area
It is so nice to have lots of cupboards and drawers and room to move around in the kitchen when making a meal!
When you enter the living room there is a hallway off to the left. The washer and dryer are on the right followed by another big storage closet and the kids bathroom. The first door on the left leads to the toy room and the second door at the end of the hallway leads into the baby's room. The hallway turns right with two more storage closets, a bedroom off its left, the water heater and furnace, and ends at the mater bedroom

Here is the toy room. It has two closets on the right wall, which are filled with all the clothes that I have saved for my children as they grow along with a grand supply of wet wipes and some diapers. We have an extra dresser at this point in our lives (surprisingly) and it is stored in one of the closets as well.
This is the baby's room. It is currently the room where we hang up our swimming suits and towels. It is the same size at the toy room, although it feels a whole lot smaller with the futon in it.
This is the kids bathroom. Nothing super special.
We put all three kids in the same bedroom again, but without toys this time. The closet in this room is really big. Brylee's dresser fits along the side wall of the dresser and the boys love to make the closet into a pirate cave with all their blankets, pillows, and as many toys as they can before I cut them off.
And then there is our master bedroom. It is certainly the biggest bedroom and comparable to the small bedrooms of our old place. Most exciting is that we have a master bathroom. I have wanted on of these for several years and am super excited to finally have one!! It is the same as the kids bathroom, nothing special, except that it is all mine and Bryant's :)
Our new place is a duplex so we share the kitchen wall and master bedroom wall with our neighbors. I have only heard them through the walls once, at 1 am when something banged really hard into the bedroom wall and shook it. We live in a circle so I don't stress too much about the boys playing outside. It also means Tucker has lots of room to practice riding his bike without worry of being ran over by a car! We have lots of grass! Brylee loves to spend time outside but only if she is with me or Bryant or riding the tricycle. Hunter would spend his entire day outside if I let him. He loves to just wander around and explore everything there is in our circle. It has made quiet afternoon time so much easier!
We live next to an interesting family (which is saying it delicately) the two girls that live there love when our boys are outside and often come asking if they can play. It has taken a little while for all the neighbor kids to be accustomed to the thought of our "garden" they kept picking the green fruit when we first moved in, much to our dismay, but the plants have been left alone for at least a week now :) Perhaps we will see a tomato turn red before the end of the summer.
Thanks for sharing pictures of your new place. TAke a picture of the outside and back yard area:) Wish I could come visit! Congratulations on being totally up to date on your blog:)