Here is Hunter painting his mask

Here is Armanie, Tucker, and Hunter

The rinsing water was always dark, no matter how often I changed it.

Here is Armanie and Tucker

Once Brylee woke up, she joined in the fun at the table, fortunately, she was more than content to sit and watch. Thank you Brylee!

Brylee as taken to sitting in things, this is one of her favorite containers to climb into. She also enjoys the car bucket but that usually annoys her brothers because it makes it hard to find the car they want :)

Tucker and Hunter have really been into being told stories, that often involve them as characters. Thankfully, the stories can just be about whatever it is that we have done recently from as mundane as going somewhere in the car to having a treasure hunt! They like to pretend that an empty travel size wet wipe container is the book from which the story is told, and the teller of the story must always use it when telling a story.
I think that as a result of this joy, they have really been into putting on puppet shows. It is so fun to see Tucker growing enough to try and put forth entire story. Well I thought the video wouldn't load because we were sharing internet with a neighbor and the signal kept dropping but in reality it just doesn't want to load.
Brylee discovered herself in the mirror and decided to give herself some kisses :)
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