This year we finally got a tree topper. Every year I mean to get one the day after Christmas when they are really cheap but I either forget or never get around to it. Well Bryant found a beautiful star, reasonably priced, for the top of our tree this year while out shopping Saturday after Thanksgiving. This was the only decoration on our tree this year because the boys seemed to be completely incapable of leaving the tree alone for more than five minutes. This also resulted in us not putting/leaving any presents under the Christmas tree. So when presents arrived from their great-grandma Cooley we just had to open them so the boys got to open a present a couple weeks early.
Here they are posing, as required, before opening the presents.

Neither of them needed help ripping the paper :)

Here they are enjoying their new toys.

Christmas eve, we put all the presents under the tree while the boys were still awake. We were taking quite the risk. The boys were actually really good at staking them and knocking them down but did not try to open them. I was amazed. As a result we let each boy open one present after dinner (plus it provided Bryant and I the opportunity to sit and relax while the boys played with a new toy).
Here is Tucker with his present. I tried to get him to open a present that I knew was a toy he would enjoy playing with but he insisted on opening this present from his Uncle Jeremy (toy Story 2). After opening presents we watched the movie while the boys played with the present Hunter opened.

Yes I double wrapped Hunter's Christmas present. I did this, originally thinking that the presents would go under the tree more than a day early, so that if the boys tried to open a present and actually ripped some of the paper before Bryant or I could stop them at least they wouldn't know what was inside cause it was wrapped again.

Here is the tree after Santa came to our house.

Tucker really loved the fire engine

Hunter really loved this expanding ball. He laughed every time he pulled it open and then let it collapse back down.

This is Bryant's present from his parents and brother Jeff. Tucker is showing him how to rip the paper off :) He is such a good helper.

It is the Garret Ace 250 metal detector that he has been wanting for a while now. He was so excited!

This is Hunter opening a present, with Tucker encouraging him along the way
Here is Tucker opening the present exclaiming "rip, rip, rip, rip" the entire time.